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What Is Your Native American Spirit Animal? Totem Quiz

1. Would you like to settle down with someone?

Would you like to settle down with someone?

I'm not sure about a partner, but I definitely want kids

I would love to have a family

I prefer my freedom

Sure, with someone who understands me

It's not necessary for happiness

2. In a battle, you would be:

 In a battle, you would be:

Charging right in the front

Looking to keep others safe

Keeping at a safe distance

Forming a strategy

Giving the orders

3. Head or heart?

 Head or heart?

Whichever is instinctive

A mixture of both

Head. Your heart will only land you in trouble!

Definitely the heart

Your head. It has more control than your heart

4. Are you a leader or a follower?

 Are you a leader or a follower?

A leader

It depends on where they are going

Neither. I prefer to be alone

A follower

I would follow no one

5. Which word do you associate yourself with the most?

 Which word do you associate yourself with the most?






6. Which animal do you consider to be a representation of your qualities?

 Which animal do you consider to be a representation of your qualities?

An alligator

A bear

An eagle

An owl

A stag

7. When you are angry at someone, you will:

 When you are angry at someone, you will:

Lash out at them!

Retreat to be by yourself

Take off somewhere in nature to calm yourself

Blame yourself for the disagreement

Explain to them exactly how they are wrong

8. You are more:

 You are more:






9. Deep down, you long to:

 Deep down, you long to:

Punish those who hurt you

Protect your loved ones

Be free of all constraints

Be completely at peace

Be the one in control