Football Brawl
Dragon Ball is a juvenile manga serialized by Japanese cartoonist Akira Toriyama in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from 1984 to 1995. The manga was adapted and divided into two anime series produced by Toei Animation: Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, which together were broadcast in Japan from 1986 to 1996. The manga is sold in over 400 countries and the anime is broadcast in more than 80 countries. Some people born in the 1980s and 1990s will think that Dragon Ball is a part of their childhood memories. Do you want to know if you will be which character in Dragon Ball? Try this quiz.
The whole story of Dragon Ball is about Son Goku and his friends finding dragon balls around the world. If you get seven dragon balls, you can make a wish and your wish will come true. It is a story about the adventure, hard work, and friendship of Son Goku at a young age.
The story of Dragon Ball Z happens in the adult Son Goku. In this series, Son Goku gets married and becomes a father. Son Goku knows his life story and his brother tells him that they are members of a near-extinct alien warrior race called the Saiyans. The story is about Son Goku and his friends protecting the earth from the aliens.
Which Dragon Ball character is your favorite? Are you ready for this quiz? Just start this quiz.
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